Mozilla Festival 2024 - General Wrangler Interest Form

Wranglers are a diverse group of contributors who collaborate with Mozilla staff and others to tie together the MozFest narrative and co-produce a truly unique event.
Please fill out this form to register your interest in becoming a Wrangler for a future Mozilla Festival event.

You can learn more about the Wrangler experience at MozFest on our community page here:

We will use the information you submit here to review your application to become a Wrangler at MozFest. 
Please share your contact details

Please provide us with the country in which you reside.

Have you facilitated or Wrangled at a previous MozFest?

Please provide us with a bit more information about yourself... 

Why are you interested in being a 2024 Wrangler?
Anything else you'd like to share with us?